Student Solution


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Assignment 4 Part 1

Assignment 4 Part 1

Q Instructions Assignment 4, Part 1: Natural Light (30pts) The lighting of a photograph greatly affects the mood conveyed. Turn in 8 photographs using only natural light. Be creative! Use the same model/object but pose them in different locations to tell a story or shoot 8 photographs of 8 completely different subjects/objects. Create another folder titled Assignment4_ALL and turn in all the other photos you did not select for your final 8 into this folder. ONLY USE NATURAL LIGHT SOURCES. Some things to keep in mind: THINK BEFORE YOU SHOOT! Think about what you want your art photography to say to the viewer. Is it political? Controversial? Raising awareness of a subculture? Abstract? An emotional state of mind/being? No more “pretty” pictures or convenient backyard snapshots. • Use what you have learned about shutter and aperture so you are not always shooting in Auto or P mode. Switch to Manual mode, Aperture Priority, or Shutter Priority mode if you have it. • Use a low ISO setting when shooting in daylight such as ISO 100, ISO 200 or ISO 400. • Daylight changes dramatically with time of day and weather. Here is your chance to focus on the light and discover how important it is to your photography. • Do not use flash! Points will be taken off if you use flash unless otherwise instructed. • Use a tripod if you have one or set the camera on a stable surface to shoot each time. Pay close attention to the distance you are to the subject before taking each photograph. • A low-light setting with a lot of shadows may make the image feel very moody and dark, whereas the same setting or person shot on a bright sunny day with no shadows may convey an uplifting feeling. • Experiment with the following different kinds of daylight: o direct sun with strong shadows (be ready in case there is only one sunny day) o diffuse light in open shade on a sunny day, or during a cloudy day (no shadows) o backlight with something silhouetted; bracket this shot and make sure flash is off o reflected light: direct light that has bounced off a white surface into a shadow o magic hour/golden hour light early morning or late in the day; often pink or golden • Use props and makeshift reflectors. A white poster board or foam board makes a great reflector to fill in light on both sides of the subject. They can also be used to block out light to create an unexpected angled shadow. White or reflective circular reflector/bounce disks are also inexpensive at online retailers and photo stores. Turning in Your Assignment • Create a new Flickr photo albums named o Assignment 4: Part 1 (Natural Light) ? Upload your 8 best photos to the album. o Assignment 4: Part 2 (Artificial Light). ? Upload your 9 photos to the album. o Assignment 4: Part 3 (Night Photography) ? Upload your 8 photos to the album. • Create another folder entitled Assignment4_ALL and turn in all the other photos you did not select for your final 8 into this folder. • Once you have completed uploading your photos to Flickr, return to the assignment page. • Select one photo to upload to Assignments • Paste the URL of your Flickr albums in the comment section. • Click Submit to Assignment. Light and Composition Photowalk video for you to review!

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